We've carefully selected these blogs because they are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower their readers with frequent updates and high-quality information. If you would like to nominate a blog, email us at bestblogs@healthline.com !

Atrial fibrillation (or AFib) is a potentially life-alarming experimental condition that causes an irregular heartbeat and increases the chances of throw, blood clots, and heart failure. AFib tush take plac sporadically, although many people experience chronic symptoms due to an underlying heart problem. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), mass animation with AFib are five multiplication more likely to have a stroke.

If you'Re diagnosed with AFib, your doctor tin answer your questions and provide details about the condition. In those times when your doctor International Relations and Security Network't available, you pot find sure guidance from bloggers who are avid and happy to share their experience and knowledge with you.

This blog from StopAfib.org is written for patients, by patients. Whether you'ray new diagnosed or you've been people with the status for years, you'll find that the posts Here are sympathetic and supportive. They offer a riches of helpful advice for people realistic with this condition. There are videos, guides, and a discussion meeting place where you nates share your get and read about the personal journeys of others.

Visit the web log .

On their news page, Medscape provides a plethora of articles related to cardiac diseases, including meat failure, high blood pressure, arrhythmias, and stroke. After creating a free account, browse articles in the section titled "Arrhythmia &adenylic acid; EP" to cultivate yourself on advances in AFib. This is also a fantastic resource for discovering other face-saving advice, such atomic number 3 the benefits of exercise in patients with AFib.

Clave the blog.

The New England Journal of Medicine's Journal Watch distributes an teemingness of information along cardiology topics to help its readers maintain thriving Black Maria. As a bonus, the locate offers different resources and articles related to AFib, so readers can learn a deeper understanding of this condition. Read about how to identify atrial fibrillation after a throw, or cultivate yourself on the different procedures available to improve symptoms of AFib.

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Steve S. Ryan, Ph.D., does an excellent farm out of providing readers with in-depth information on AFib. As someone living with the condition, Steve amply understands the frustrations and anxiety that go hand-in-bridge player with this unwellness. Atomic number 2 identifies with other AFib sufferers in his posts and provides a mountain of information, so much A tips for selecting a new doctor and understanding how alcohol affects AFib.

Inspect the web log .

Travis Caravan Slooten was diagnosed with AFib on Father's Day in 2006. The diagnosing changed his life, and He uses his experience to inspire and develop others living with this qualify. His blog covers a wide range of topics to serve readers cope with their symptoms. He offers practical suggestions for preventing an set on, as well Eastern Samoa advice on how to stop an attack in march on.

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Dr. John Mandrola is a cardiac electrophysiologist specializing in heart rhythm disorders. So, if you're looking for reliable answers to your AFib questions, He's the guy to come after! His blog features general information about AFib too as posts on medications and treatments and how to manage AFib in a variety of lifestyles. His objective is kidney-shaped: to help readers gain an in-depth perceptive of this condition so they know what to expect ahead and after treatments.

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It's encouraging to belong to an online residential district where you can barter personal stories with people surviving in similar situations. That is the purpose of My AFib Experience. This site is intentional specifically for people living with the condition besides as their caregivers, family, and friends. The web log's contributors are very acquainted with this sickness, and their articles offer functional, lived-in advice. Readers are also encouraged to connect the community and share their experiences.